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Though you can’t shake the feeling you’re forgetting something…

Check your feet, one must always ensure an adventurer has full mobility. Especially a cat adventurer. (Sofox) 





Again, really would love if every image was in a single post instead of one each. It’s getting spammy. Love it tho!


I just figured out a way I could post them without sending out an email for every single one, so I'll try to remember that for next time!!


Well, it’s not just email but also our Patreon feeds. Cause we support many creators and it really pushes everyone to the side when I gotta scroll so far for other content. Just seems better to post multiple images per post.


Like, I’m not trying to be a pain. I’m not. I adore your work. But this is comic PANEL/post # 68. And that’s a lot.

Captan Coconut

Farewell Grayson jr gone but not forgotten.


He needs to check inside his pants and see what is inside


Right now this is kinda the only way I can block together drawings/text and set the pacing the way I want, but I'll see if I can't figure out some kind of compromise!


Any chance these could be added to like a dropbox or mega? For easier viewing and downloading.


Check your feet, one must always ensure an adventurer has full mobility. Especially a cat adventurer.

Austin Morrison

Check UNDER the clothes to make sure everything’s in order.


Though a real hero knows what's beneath ones beltline hardly defines a man or not, perhaps "little Grayson" needs to be accounted for just to be sure.


The fucking candle...I can't...

Val Salia

Is it weird that I kinda prefer this way AM I THE WEIRD ONE