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The day is won!  For now...?



Endark Culi

It's nice to see that Fynn got a happy ending...and also that Aldrux didn't.


I really really hope this isn't the end

Bryant Holmes

Same, I could read about Fynn all day. She's probably Robins S&D character

Katrice Metaluna

Oh wow. Did you come up with these astral tetherblades?

A Sad Fat Dragon with No Friends

It's funny how she stole that ring with a 「Kiss」huh? References aside I love this character/setting and I hope we see her get into increasingly stickier situations only to escape for the cycle to continue. It'd be fun

Katrice Metaluna

They are awesome! I know this is supposed to be all about the ka-girling and that's totes important but those magic teleportation blades are something I wish I'd made up, lol.

Angry Nerd Bird

Ooh, excellent touch with the blades. You even drew one of them on the ground in part 1. Well done.


I love the loading screen lore filler.


I can hear the Dreamcast disc drive going off in the background while looking at that loading screen


He still lost his d*** in this adventure 😅


Me, I suspect this is the same world as Isekai Robin.

Katrice Metaluna

I went back to see the first page of this comic and damn, there it was! While our little rogue fennec was caught by surprise by the sudden gender change and magic leash, he still had the presence of mind and was still quick enough to throw down one of his swords before he got pulled away. Awesome!


Goodness. Short stack fennecs. :)


As fun as this was, going right from kinky stuff in the first page and then sort of subverting that entirely felt like getting blue balled xP