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Time for another minicomic!!  What am I gonna do this February?? 


-Suggest an idea for a tiny (1 or 2 panel) comic about any of my characters, or even just generic characters!

-If you like someone else's idea, give their comment a like to vote for it!

-Whichever suggestion gets the most likes is the winner, and will become REAL!

-I reserve the right to veto any ideas that feel inappropriate



Cursella decides to play Cupid on some unsuspecting hyenas


The Hyena Corporation just made a massive acquisition, and they're now prettying up the previous CEO of said company up for the press release

Bryant Holmes

Robins special Valentine's Day with landlord.

Captan Coconut

Dominatrix robin spends valentines day with the clawson fangs feminizing single guys


The Valentine's Day Grinch poisons the candy supply so that couples exchanging gifts turn into beastly brutes (male or female).


The hot new trend this Valentine’s Day is swapping clothes with your date!


girls getting ready for valentine's day get swapped to beefy dudes

Madcap Burlon

Cursula opens a couples matchmaking service, where you get turned into *somebody's* ideal match, and your brainchemicals tell you to like it!


Cupid with feminizing arrows


A rude wolf ceo is feminized by his cat secretary, and she switches places with him. She’ll look much better in a suit, and it’s time to see how he likes being the office eye candy!


Fem haida gets impregnated by himuro.