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It's almost that time!  What do YOU want to see for next year's first minicomic?


-Suggest an idea for a tiny (1 or 2 panel) comic about any of my characters, or even just generic characters!

-If you like someone else's idea, give their comment a like to vote for it!

-Whichever suggestion gets the most likes is the winner, and will become REAL!

-I reserve the right to veto any ideas that feel inappropriate



I would love to see Robin as a latex maid again!😍


Robin's landlord is tired of having to convince him to put on girly clothes and look cute, so he installs an auto-closet to pick out what he wears from now on. Antics ensue for the both of them.


New year, New stepford wife!

A Sad Fat Dragon with No Friends

Robin, drunk off champagne, wakes up in a 'New Year's Baby' stype costume. Maybe not ACTUALLY a baby, but maybe a 'New Year's BABE' would fit more.


I'd love to see gamer girl Fox McCloud again.


sata paws hungover on new years wonders what happened last night

Darren Forest

New Years Resolution gone horribly wrong; "new year, new me" indeed

Bryant Holmes

Robin TGTF because everyone needs someone to kiss when the ball drops.

Captan Coconut

Robin wakes up New years day with a massive hangover in bed with Chuck and Renee


Robin finally meets the true tormentor of his crossdressy world: Rush. Robin, while wearing a dommy latex outfit, is then stepping on Rush promising to pay him back. Rush, who is wearing a pretty dress, is bound and gagged while on the floor.


Haida getting used to her new office life. Whilst she's less awkward around Retsuko now, she does get a lot of attention from the guys around the office.


Robin's new year's resolution to get manlier gets hijacked by Cursula


The Clawson Fangs are out spreading their usual brand of Christmas tidings when a little miss cassie notices a wayward hyena boy and brings them into the fold. Christmas is for everyone, the gift that keeps on giving, femboi drag hyenas are great makeover artists too... y'know, the usual festive messages!

Madcap Burlon

Robin getting settled into his job as a dairy cow. At least the pay is good.


A minor WBTT character gets cursed into being a Baby New Year.


Robin gets girlier as the countdown progresses whilst his suitor kisses him heavy and hard.


Krampus's new bride gets properly hitched with her new hubby