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First minicomic of summer!  What's it gonna BE?


-Suggest an idea for a tiny (1 or 2 panel) comic about any of my characters, or even just generic characters!

-If you like someone else's idea, give their comment a like to vote for it!

-Whichever suggestion gets the most likes is the winner, and will become REAL!



Robin's Landlord meets a beach 'babe'.


Hyena bullies took a hypnosis course and are itching to try it out (maybe on Robin)


Stepford lion meets Freddy mcfrog or mama rush


Magical beach bar that feminizes anyone who drinks from there.

Captan Coconut

mama rush goes to the beach


Robin wishes for superpowers to deal with his bullies, only to be turned into wonder woman/super girl kind of character


Cursula gets a new assistant who literally cannot refuse any command she gives them.


Robin and the barista bride spend a night together with the landlord on Valentine's day.


Robin being either blackmailed into chastity by his therapist or referred into chastity by his therapist as it would make him "more manly".

Miss Casanova

Freddy McFrog tries to end his curse early by getting gangbanged by 90+ guys at once. Too bad it technically only counts as one lewd act...

Aaron Jeffery

Robin finds himself Voluntold as the Queen of the Pride Parade.


Princess Sparklemane should go on a magical quest where (s)he "meets" all sorts of magical creatures


Robin approaches Rush about all the comics he's drawn of Robin being forced femmed over the years. It's like an epic anime fight except they're fighting over who can force fem each other the hardest instead of punching.


Ray the unicorn overhears a wish from gym employees who need a mascot to advertise beach body season and is doomed to be a muscular equine Adonis dynamically posing on a strip mall sidewalk.


A bat to a tied to a chair or maybe a st andrew's cross or something, and has them blindfolded but not gagged and they go "I can still see you, ya know"


2 sissybois forced to kiss

Angry Nerd Bird

Freddy McSuccubus is now working off her quota after becoming stuck in the underworld, one mortal summoner at a time.


Followup to "TFed by Facts and Logic" where the femmed-dude uses similar logic to turn the top into a woman too.

MamaGobbastoppa Ivy

Cassie's embarrassing plushie secret that she hopes no one finds out about~