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Huh, something doesn't add up here.  What kind of crazy TV does Dr. Ursula have that lets her track Robin like that?  And where'd she get CHiP brand chips?? Those have been off the market for YEARS! 



Rocking Space Dragon

Surely nothing will come of Robin walking home alone at night dressed like a princess. Nope.

Aaron Jeffery

So even when he gets home, without his key someone will have to let him in so who is worse seeing him like this, his roommate and ex-girfriend, or his landlord who routinely ploughs him for rent?

Dave B.

It's really nice of them to leave him enough money for the bus; Ain't got a pumpkin carriage to ride back home on.

Katrice Metaluna

I don't think he's gonna make it home. I think something else is gonna happen before he can get very far.


I do wonder how the hyenas finance their little games. That ensemble must have cost them a pretty penny and they just let him go? Then again maybe all their other previous sissy businesses were so lucrative they can afford these recreational activities.

MamaGobbastoppa Ivy

I hear that Cassie's salon is doing pretty well! Maybe that's where they get all their extra dosh! :D


Bring back original red Salsa Doritos tbqh.