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It's time again, darlings!   Hope you're ready for the first minicomic of the year!  Let's get those ideas rollin'!


-Suggest an idea for a tiny (1 or 2 panel) comic about any of my characters, or even just generic characters! 

-If you like someone else's idea, give their comment a like to vote for it!

-Whichever suggestion gets the most likes is the winner, and will become REAL!


Raul Rodriguez

Mama Rush and Robin celebrate the start of new year together in Fancy dresses.


Male gym rat transformed into a fat pig girl


The barista bride and gym wife meet up.


The hyenas try to bully fem Robin, mistaking her for a guy, and get a taste of their own medicine.


Robin and Cassie on a delightful noncanon date.

Aaron Jeffery

Malachi accidently dons the girdle of femininity (cursed belt of genderswapping)


Rainbow Martinez walks by a couple having a breakup argument, hears "I wish you were never born!", and is damned to make the lady pregnant with the dude.

Captan Coconut

robin goes on a cursed porn site and turns into a fetish porn star


Robin goes to get his haircut; but ends up mixed up with a bleach blonde socialite patron and gets her treatments.


Robin having wiflu and sicks the hyenas?

Fez the Baron

This is more a fanfic idea but whatever i would share. Meet Mrs O'Patterson. We meet Robins(and Pearl and Paige) mom...and she is a bitch...as in a big BIG Doggo(this because if you search Dog adopt baby possum..you get multiple result as whenever there are littel Joeys in need of mom a big momma dog magically appear to adopt them...is crazy but cute at same time) and she has a passion for two things. Putting her kids in embrassment situation(not just Robin albeit he is the favorite target) and bad bad mom puns as "oh you kids are imPOSSUMable at times!" Paige"mom come on..." Pearl: mooooom...sheeshh Robin: Arrgghhh mom!!!. Wonder what type fo dog she is tough...As i said this is just little bit of fanfic :)


Alternate world where opossum gangs bully hyenas.


Two jock frat hossies get feminized and go full homo? :p


A Ballerina TF for Queen Nakhta