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Don't ever let anyone tell you Dr. Ursula isn't a completely ethical psychologist! 




Oh man. I guess Robin's a BAD BOY. Got in TROUBLE.


Also let me go off on a tangent about how on this, the 6th page, clearly Robin is now just a kink character because not only is there magic, but hypnosis in the mix? I liked robin better when he was always in pretty dresses and he's so beautiful, and now he's just a kink character because he's not in a dress right this minute, and I can't handle waiting for the story to progress without complaining.


Robin bein' the only sane dude in a world of kink.


Melangetic what do you mean with "kink character" I think i guessed what do you mean but i am not sure if it match..I think it similar to mine " at this point he is more an object of the story than the protagonist" issue- but i could and will probably be wrong


If it is so could be an interesting spin on the usual trope. Making him alike Mandy from the first season "the grim adventure of Billy and Mandy" -she orignally was the only normal sane person in a completely insane world the follow cartoon logic before becoming just as cartoonishly as everyone else


Perhaps not from his fault, given what we have seen. Albeit Anger Management? Yeah eh got angry often but he has always his reasons...I still pity him a lot. I really want to hug him...(if rush ever made Robin plushies he will become rich...)


this is very interesting page. In these few pages we learned a lot about Robin, from his expression and reaction. And alos of C.Ursula. We learned how frustrated, sad and yes little frighted Robin is about all the weird shit the imp is pulling on him and the consequences. He is not having a good time at all, for him is like bad addiction. and he is angry at the world at whole. But e learned also the Cursula too has soe variety of emotions. She was genuinaelly scared about Robin discovering thatt here was magic involved, she has limitation, rules to abid, and more importantly she can't force Robin. Not really. Making me think that her speech in earlier comic on how her methods were better than the direct ones where just self justification. As "i am not really that powerful to change people mind, the bodies yes, but not the mind - and inf act in all her appearences she NEVER CHANGED ANYBODY MIND just the look- meaning that there is still the fredom of choice for our poor possum. This add an interesting layer to the story


No. I don't think i will. Now could you answer me please(or we can continue on FA if you please)....


that dialog is doing something to my blackmail fetish ngl


all bases are covered in this page...it seem that Cursula is trying EVERYTHING. :D


Comments are almost as good as Cursula's terrible diction.

Katrice Metaluna

I love the dramatic head shots in the 4th and 5th panels. This is the most interesting entry yet. Now we're getting into the meat of things!


Poor Robin. He really needs a win.


I LIVE for Ursula's evil smirks oh my GOD


Robbin needs a break