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Heyyy everyone!  I know this might be new to a lot of you since this reward was only just now moved down to the $5 level, but I hope you all have fun with it!

So for the upcoming monthly Patreon stream, I need your ideas for doodles!  Funny ideas, kinky ideas, stuff you wish you could see happening to my dumb comic characters, whatever you want!  Just toss 'em down below!

Also, as an added bonus this month, our sweet friend Tama will pick a couple of these suggestions to draw too! 



Rush as Cursula and Tama as Gate


Extream bds or cbt owo


Iam rely bad at picking things just disregard what i sead


Celebrate pumpkin spice season! Guy picks up the wrong latte at the coffee shop... all selfie taking white girl stereotypes apply!

Darren Forest

Oh no, Darin has taken up the mantle of the nefarious Doktor Balletzer after it was totally given to him willingly and he wasn't seducing the old Doktor at all to trick him into a horrible fate.


How about Rush wearing a thick and chubby gator momma suit and holding up the mask getting herself ready for baking pies.

Aaron Jeffery

Isn't it about time for the pumpkin princess to come back? And it would have to be at the most inconvenient time. (board meeting? I don't know what the guy does with his days)


So there is this niche thing that I'm into, Skater Maids. (Check out google images for some sick references) So I was thinking maybe a cool action shot of Robin mid kick flip in a maid outfit. I'm also a weirdo about shoes, so maybe could sport so cool Nike high tops with the outfit?


I liked the comic you did a while ago of the guy in the haunted house being dragged and morphed to fit the painting of the woman holding the flowers, and I was thinking maybe you could do a mid transformation scene of a character getting dragged in and morphed to fit the Victorian(?) era woman template in the painting.


How about the Robin as a Slutcrow (Like a scarecrow but for an open welcome to getting plowed).

MamaGobbastoppa Ivy

I'd like to see the Butch Wolverine Girlfriend and her recently bimbofied boyfriend-now-girlfriend (from Build A Better Girlfriend) having extremely gratifying sexy times~