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What is UP all my tiny darlings? Your fake internet badger mom is here with some updates!  Starting September 1, 2019 the following tier changes will be implemented:

$5 tier – YOU WILL NOW BE ABLE TO SUGGEST ART PROMPTS FOR MONTHLY PATREON STREAMS! This is the biggest change by far - this was formerly a $10 and $15 tier reward, but I like the idea of it being more of a “community event” where more people have input! This will also result in mooore kinky artwork every month!

$3 tier – YOU WILL HAVE ACCESS TO ART CREATED IN PATREON STREAMS! I figured if the Patreon streams are going to be a community event, more people should have access to the art created in them!

I’m also considering removing the .psd files from the $5 tier, since the hi-rez comics in the same tier kind of render them redundant and I suspect nobody will miss them! Would anyone prefer if I keep both the .psd files AND the hi-rez comics?

And for one last update, I’ve got a biiiig secret project brewing! Let’s just say we’re gonna be learning a lot more about Robin and the rest of the Clawson crew very soon!

That’ll about do it for today! As always, thanks SO much for your support! I couldn’t do this without you guys! Feel free to hit me up with any questions or concerns, and remember, MAMA LOVES YOU!


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