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So I'm doing it!  I'm doing the THING where Rush gets messed up by a magical adventure of YOUR choosing!  First thing's first, we need a setting/story for the magical book he's been sucked into!  Here's how this is gonna go down:

1. Leave a comment with a suggestion for the setting/story for his adventure

2. Give a LIKE to anyone else's suggestions that you would like to see

3. Whichever suggestion gets the most votes will become the next page of the comic!



How 'bout a James Bond-style spy thriller?


I'm a sucker for a traditional fantasy setting for choose your own adventures! Plus, ya know... That opens the door to orcs and gnolls and flumphs and other gygaxian weirdness


High fantasy, like game of thrones but nice.


Why not a sci fi scenario? Like your now on a ship of sexy femdom aliens who want to turn all humans into sexy bimbo ladies.

Captan Coconut

crossdressing /bondage themed fantasy adventure


Low Fantasy. Frank Frazetta Molly Hatchet album covers. Heavy Metal comic landscapes. Conan and the Hyborian Age. Cave women and the viking pirate body builders who pose with them. Magic is heavily associated with reptiles and shamanism.


Shpooooooky mannequin/doll factory filled with shpoooooky feminist ghosts and frilly frou frou dresses... which are undoubtedly spooky also.


The sci-fi poster killed it. I liked that post, but if I must suggest something, a cult needing an hourglass goddess might be fun.

Miles Johnson

Again Typical Fantasy suggestion, probably this book was a lost or forbidden Module. Probably written by a DM with a sick sense of humor. IE cursula.


Something related to the Arabian nights, kind of like the last comic that you drew. :)