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I'm playing around with the idea of a comic series where YOU, the audience, control the actions of the unfortunate protagonist!

So, hypothetically, it would start out with Robin (or some other character) tossed into a compromising situation, and your comments would decide his next move!  It would probably be a like-based system, where any Patron is welcome to make a comment, and vote for other comments.  Whichever comment gets the most likes becomes the next comic page!  What do you guys think?



Sounds super fun

Aaron Jeffery

I love this idea, of course CYA's usually have a good ending and several bad endings but with this one it might be hard to tell the difference.


heck yeah


I've seen people do the CYOA style with characters before. I think it'd be a fun idea.


would it be based off of likes, or what you think is the best idea?

MamaGobbastoppa Ivy

I like it! Probably a 3$ vote box would be better, though- I imagine that you'll probably get flooded with choices very early on.


Oh yeah that's probably a good idea, especially since $3 is the limit for regular monthly votes as it is!


Love the idea!


Please do this!


Sounds nifty cap'n


Other content providers do this on Patreon, so it should work well for you.

Dave B.

I am totes fine with this.