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Many platforms, including this one (ESPECIALLY this one) have been slowly and sneakily doing away with adult content in all forms. I have to be careful with my wording just talking about it here, unless I want to automatically get my page set up for review.

It turns out it's because they're being strong-armed by credit card companies who think it's okay to dictate who is and who is not allowed to make a living, regardless of the legality of what they're doing.

Me and every other adult content creator is begging you to take a look at this petition, and sign it if possible.

Truth is I've been pretty disillusioned with Patreon for a long time now. Their encroaching policies have compromised a lot of comics and other stuff I've wanted to make. I've been thinking about jumping platforms for a long time, but I'd prefer to avoid that if possible.

With that said, if I DID end up ditching Patreon for another site (probably Subscribestar) would you follow me there?

tl;dr the old money goblins want to take all our porn away please sign and spread the petition


Mastercard: Sex Work is Work. End Your Unjust Policy.

Mastercard's new policy unfairly targets the adult content industry, making sex workers more vulnerable, especially Black trans women. It must be stopped.



Yeah I'd follow you to subscribe star. I do hate what the credit card companies are doing, but I don't really know how we can stop em.

MamaGobbastoppa Ivy

You know I'm down to follow you wherever you go~


I’d follow you anywhere Rush. You’re one of my oldest people I’ve ever paid for content.

John Redding

Yeah I’ll follow. Do they take PayPal?