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Hi everyone, just wanted to ask if any of you guys have feedback for the rewards or would like to see changes? I was thinking of moving the WIP reward down to Silver, while compensating Gold by adding the single character sketch reward. I'll compensate Platinum somehow too so don't worry about that. I also might be planning on making a discord channel too, so any feedback would be appreciated!


Zexus Moneypenny

Ohhh lots of improvements x3 I like it!


Just be careful about the workload you'll be taking on. It's a nice idea and certainly incentivizes more patrons, but it's something to consider in terms of meeting the monthly quota. Perhaps as rewards, you can include non-private commissions you've completed that month? ^^

Miguel Salizar

Not a bad idea but try not to overwhelm yourself. I am all in favor of a Discord channel though. That would be fun!


I love your ideas, and if you can handle the workload, then tackle it all at once my friend!! Otherwise, slow and steady wins the race!