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So this time I'm targeting next month for the release in order to take more time into the animation and editing :) Now, make your choice ! 

Miranda Lawson - A parasite in the ship : Miranda is sent by the  illusive man to investigate a research ship, apparently, researchers have created the "ultimate breeder" in the laboratory.

Quiet - A new breed of Parasite Units : Quiet has been sent on a mission to protect Big Boss, but Zero is  sending new Parasite units. Short of ammunition, she'll have to come up  with an idea to keep them busy while Big Boss carries out his mission.

Rey : The power of the Dark Side : Rey must face her fears in a temple dedicated to creatures of darkness  ... Little does she know, however, that these creatures are not exactly  looking for a fight...

Lost Fantasia Tales : Don't camp here!  : (Parody inspired by Dungeons & Dragons) A group of adventurers decide to set up camp for the night without rolling any dice to check for surrounding dangers... a very bad idea...



Rey with big tits would be awesome :) anyway… whatever you like up to you..❤️❤️