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[Update : sorry for the inconvenience, Google drive wasn't allowing me to share the updated link and wasn't working then Patreon was not allowing you to click on the link ... so after redoing everything from the beginning it is finally working !]

So here's the new build of the game with the following new stuff:

- A first quest that can be activated on the billboard next to the main city gate, it is very short but it was made to get the system working and then adding more stories and quests that will be longer. 

- New animations in the gallery and a new character to unlock

-Armors and weapons can be purchased in the Blacksmith's house

- New ennemies on the map : Orcs (for the moment there's only one sex animation, but more will be added later).

- Inventory system and a customisable haircut system.

You can share your feedbacks on the discord channel as always :)

Link to download the latest build : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QlCPMSfcX83wcJXjGhOj94k0Cj5S_tyM/view?usp=share_link

Thanks angain for your patience and support ! Enjoy !



Thanks for the new build, lot of progress being made. I have to ask though, I bought the long sword and I cannot seem to hit enemies with it pretty much at all. Even locked on I hit maybe once out of like 20 swipes. Is this intentional? Also not all kills are rewarding points.


It is not intentional, that's weird as I tested all the blades and everything was working fine. I have to retest this, maybe something broke with the latest build but I doubt it. For the points, I have to rethink the reward system for this seems like the system called is not taken in consideration in every frame. Have to investigate that. But something to know is that if you have a new build of the game on you clikc on "Continue" you will have everything you've already unlocked and also find back all the points you've gained so far, even if your game version is different : note this doesn't work if you go back to a previous build version after saving your game of course :)


I couldn't seem to get the orcs to do anything when I found them. They were just standing still and wouldn't react even if I hit them.