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Sorry for the delay this week, I always try to post at list a pic of what I'll be doing next but so much work to do this week. I'll work on the next video this weekend (It's an idea that one of you threw at me concerning  Aranea Highwind ^^ I think I'll go with a bad ending with a mindflayer) I think she will enjoy that, don't you ?



Hey Hunicord!! Thank you for having retained my idea on my dear Aranea !! ^^ (Best FF15 girl imo) yes, I think she will like it! :)


Oh here my DA account, mainly on her! https://www.deviantart.com/seffiroth59


Mind flayer from FFXV? https://www.deviantart.com/xelandis/art/Final-Fantasy-XV-Mindflayer-XPS-784634190