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Hi everyone, here are the latest news:

The demo for the next game project will be released this weekend, and will only include the first act of the game (With a chapter selection option when the story will get longer and also a Gallery- the first portion is unlocked right from the start for the most impatients of you, but the others will have to be unlocked by finishing the acts and chapters). I've already started on the second act, but realistically I won't be able to get it out before this weekend. It will act as a "proof of concept" and I hope to get enough feedbacks to improve the game.

I've also started modelling the elements for the next video, which should be out by June.

Once again, a huge thank you to all of you for your messages and your support! Don't hesitate to share your ideas, which I always read with the greatest interest to improve my productions!




I think making the scenes as a reward as part of the gameplay is a good idea. Will the main character be the only girl in the game or will there be companion characters with scenes as well? Maybe female enemies you can capture and put in the cells with the aliens? I like the concept a lot, it reminds me a little bit of Tentacular by Jackerman where they had a ship with a bunch of different aliens for sex research. Hoping that there'll eventually be a variety of different types of creatures to interact with, I think something like an alien hound like the varrens from Mass Effect could be a cool creature to include


To sum up the story of the new game: you play an alien whose aim is to recover an artifact from a prison ship. To do this, you hack a maintenance robot to walk around the ship, but you'll have to hack into several systems to avoid attracting suspicion. The best way to do this is to create distractions to avoid detection, and that's where you'll have to forge links with the alien prisoners and make deals. Knowing that the ship's crew is made up exclusively of women, I'll leave you to imagine the deals ... and all that can happen with a cargo hold full of alien prisoners and other creatures.


please HUNICORD give us the game :) it's finally the weekend, I already have the beer, now I'm just waiting for the game :)