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Hi everyone, the Spider Man video project is still progressing (even if I might be a little late for delivery because the dubbing actress had a little problem and so I'll receive the files a little late, it's not catastrophic but it might take me a little extra week to get the face animation and audio integration right).

In the meantime, I've taken into consideration all the feedback concerning the video game project, and what came up most often was that the fact of unlocking the sex scenes was linked to the fact of losing, so it didn't make you want to continue. What's more, some people told me that the lack of a storyline made the whole thing uninteresting to follow, and that the gameplay was too complex for what I was trying to do. So I rebooted the project into something more linear: a "walking simulator" game in which you play a maintenance robot hacked by aliens seeking to recover an object stolen by other creatures.

These creatures are now prisoners on a penitentiary transport ship (With only female guards). The only way to achieve your goal is to link up with the imprisoned creatures in order to reach your main objective. These creatures will then ask you for a few favors before accepting your requests.

The game is much simpler to access, and is played exclusively with keyboard and mouse, with a minimum of action: you can interact with scenery, characters and situations. There's also an infiltration system: since you're playing a remotely hacked maintenance robot, the slightest suspicious action will make you an enemy to be shot by the guards. It's up to you to accomplish your objectives without arousing suspicion. 

So sex scenes will also be interactive, with camera changes and the ability to change intensity (a feature I've been asked about a lot). 

I plan to release the first act of the game next month, so don't hesitate to tell me what you think of it :) (the visuals you see are obviously temporary and do not represent the final quality)




Looking good. Love anything with context and story around the sex.


looks very nice, I hope that if the project is continued, more features will be added to the games, for example a free camera, more enemy species, I also really liked the option with a companion in Lost Fantasy, maybe it would work here too :). the game takes place in space, personally I'm in favor of it, I remember how irritating the bushes and grass were in Lost Fantasies when a scene with goblins or a werewolf was playing, it won't happen here :)


that will be awesome