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"Gina, have you seen my leggings?"

Haley was running late, her date was in less than an hour and she had just gotten back from the gym and showered only moments ago. Now, of course, her giant pile of laundry waiting to be washed was taunting her from her closet as she desperately searched for a pair of pants to throw on.

"Who are you seeing again?" Gina asked, lazily browsing through twitter on her bed. "I'm sure Michael won't mind if you show up the way you are now."

"That's not funny, please can I borrow some of yours? I really have nothing to wear tonight."

"Let's see," Gina sighed as she hopped onto the floor. "You want me to sacrifice some of my clothes, that I so diligently washed, folded, and put away so that you can go out with Mr. Musclehead and bring them back tomorrow morning stained and wrinkled? I don't think so."

"Please Gina I really need help, and you don't know I'm going to spend the night with him, it's only our second date." Haley was blushing a little, wondering how transparent she really was.

"Oh so you aren't planning on going all the way? Bullshit! With those panties on? There's no way you weren't planning on letting him into those."

"I promise I'll wash and fold all your laundry."

"Not good enough."

"Gina PLEASE, I'll do anything."

"Anything?" Gina's eyebrows raised. "How desperate are you?"

"I really like him, and honestly I really need this tonight, it's been so long since I.... well you know."

"I might have something for you to wear, but it's going to cost you."

Haley was relieved. "Oh Gina thank you, I promise I'll make it up to ---"

"Not so fast." Gina interrupted Haley's grateful response, forcefully pushing her face down onto the bed.

"Gina, what the hell are you doing? Let me go!" Haley struggled to get up but Gina really had her pinned down.

"I've got that cute pair of black pants that I could let you have, but you have to give me something first."

"Okay..." Haley said, confused. "What do you want? We don't have much time, Michael will be here in half an hour."

"How about..." Gina smiled as she slowly ran a fingernail down Haley's spine. "You give me..." She traced the delicate lace of Haley's panties where it met with her plump ass. "A preview of what Michael is going to get later tonight?" With that she delicately rubbed Haley's pussy from over her panties with a single finger.

"MMMmmppph" Haley moaned, "Gina what the fuck are you doing?" Haley blushed at the reaction her body made to her roommate's touch.

"It's fine." Gina said, walking away. "Like I said, I'm sure Michael will just love you showing up in what you're wearing now."

"WAIT!" Haley shouted, feeling a sudden daring impulse. She pulled her panties down all the way and stuck her ass high in the air. "Like I said, he's going to be here soon, we have to make this quick."

"That's more like it." Gina said, grinning as she walked over to the wet pussy presented at her. "One more condition," she said as she inserted a finger in her roommate and started to rub her clit, "you'll have to tell me who was better in the morning, me or that man."

"Deal." Haley said, moaning with pleasure, shifting slightly so Gina could get just the right angle. "Now please, try not to make me stain my outfit, I really don't have any more clothes."

To be continued....

PART II has NSFW art which Patreon does not allow for public posts. See it for Free HERE . Text is continued below for those just interested in the story.

Part II....


"Holy shit" Haley gasped, her face flushed and her body damp with sweat from the special attention Gina had shown to her clitoris. "That must be him, I really need to go."

"Alright," Gina said, planting one last kiss on Haley's swollen pussy. "Go ahead and enjoy your date, but I bet you'll have a hard time getting this out of your head tonight."

Haley stood up and hastily pulled on the pair of black leggings that Gina had taunted her with earlier. "Seriously Gina that was amazing, I never knew you were so talented...down there."


"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Haley shouted

"Sounds familiar," quirked Gina as she sat back on the bed, face buried in her phone.

Blushing slightly, Haley ran down the stairs and answered the front door. "Michael, hi it's so nice to see you."

"Great to see you too Haley." Michael wrapped his muscular arms around her in a comfortable hug. "Are you alright? You seem out of breath and you're sweating."

"Oh, I'm fine. Just...uh, working out with Gina."

"If you say so, are you ready to head out?"

"Absolutely, where are we going tonight?"

"I thought we'd drive out to the valley, take a stroll through the park and maybe do some stargazing." Michael rubbed his neck sheepishly. "If that's okay with you, I saw on your Instagram that you were into nature."

"That sounds so nice, that's one of my favorite parks. Let me just get my shoes on and we can go."

The two of them got into Michael's car, a nice sporty two-seater, and he drove a scenic route around the beautiful coastline.

"Here we are," he said as he pulled off the road onto a pretty rough dirt path. "It's a pretty well-kept secret but this road leads to one of the best views."

"I was going to say, I didn't recognize the route you were taking."

After parking, the two of them walked up through a simple trail through a lightly wooded area and emerged into a clearing with a beautiful view of the city skyline.

"Oh wow," Haley gasped, breathing a little heavily from the walk. "You were right about this place, it's so beautiful."

"I hoped you would like it. It's a nice quiet area where we can enjoy the quiet and solitude of nature. Plus," he said with a sly look in his eye, "it's a great place to do this."

He turned towards Haley, wrapped an arm around her waist and brought his lips to hers. Haley was startled at first, but quickly settled into the kiss, probing his mouth with her tongue and running her hands up his muscular back. For his part, Michael started to explore Haley's body with his hands, taking one of her full, soft breasts in his left hand and groping her ass with his right. 

"Michael, are you sure this is okay? I mean, what if someone sees us?"

"That makes it more exciting, doesn't it?" Michael gave her a suggestive look. "I thought you were the adventurous sort, if you'd like I can take you back home. We wouldn't want to keep you out past your bedtime."

"Oh I'm adventurous alright." Haley said with a little more confidence than she actually felt.

"I'm up to see you prove it."

"Okay, what do you think of this?" In one swift motion Haley pulled off her top and dropped her pants, and suddenly she was standing under the night sky in only her bra and panties.

Daring Striptease

"That's pretty adventurous alright," Michael said. Standing behind her and caressing her large round ass. "How about a photo to remember the occasion?"

"Ohmygod no way." Haley quickly began putting her clothes back on. "Sorry but I'm not making a porno out here, no way."

"Ha ha ha." Michael laughed. "I was only joking." He took Haley by the arm and brought her over to a park bench. "It's just you and me, no cameras, nobody else. I want you to feel comfortable with me."

Haley looked into his eyes, he seemed sincere, genuine, and strangely irresistible. She leaned into him and let him kiss her. She groaned slightly as she felt his hand trail down her chest, down her stomach, and graze against her pussy. Her breathing started to increase in pace, her chest heaving up and down as his lips, tongue, and fingers made her absolutely crazy.

She broke away from the kiss, panting slightly. "Oh Michael. You are making me feel so good right now."

He grinned, and pulled her top down, exposing her breasts to the cold night air. Haley gasped, and started to try and cover herself but Michael had her firmly in his grip. "It's okay," he said. "We are alone, nobody is going to see." He used one of his hands to hold Haley's arm to her side and the other went between her legs and he started to finger her soaking wet pussy underneath her underwear.

Fondled on the bench

"Mmmph!" Haley exclaimed in a combination of struggle and pleasure. "Michael, *groan*, I really don't know if we should." Michael took one of her erect nipples into his mouth and moved his fingers rhythmically inside her pussy. Before Haley knew it she was thrusting her hips to match his rhythm and she could feel an orgasm building. "I'm gonna- I'm- I'm gonna CUM!!!" Haley's body started shaking as she climaxed, Michael didn't slow his pace, riding her orgasm out and letting her lose herself in the moment.

"Oh Michael, that was so good. Could I have my arms back? I would like to get a little more comfortable."

Michael obliged, and to his surprise Haley shrugged out of her top and bra completely, sitting there on the bench only in her panties.

Getting more comfortable

"Now I think I owe you something, and I hate being in other people's debt." Haley kissed Michael on the lips and then got down on her knees between his thighs. She ran a hand up along his pants until she could feel his penis, straining against the fabric of his pants. She slowly, sensually, undid his belt buckle, unfastened the button of his pants, and pulled the zipper down. His cock burst free of its restraints, and she jumped in surprise as it sprang up, smacking into her chin. "WOW," she said, amazed at the size of it. "I feel like a very lucky girl right now."

Michael smiled at that, "I think we both feel pretty lucky right now."

My Turn

She looked him in the eye, smiled back at him, and without breaking eye contact took the tip of his cock into her mouth. Michael groaned in pleasure, slightly thrusting his hips up as her warm mouth enveloped his penis. Haley had to concentrate, this was by far the biggest dick she had ever put in her mouth, and she didn't want to seem like a prude. She bobbed her head up and down, stroking his shaft with one hand as she sucked. Luckily this was something she considered herself pretty good at. She stroked faster, then slower, occasionally taking his cock out of her mouth to suck on his balls, or to use her tongue and lick his shaft from the base up to the tip. She could tell he was enjoying himself, his eyes were closed and the bucking movements of his hips told her that he was getting close. She decided to surprise him at that moment with the coup de grace, she took a big breath through her nose and swallowed the entirety of his dick into her throat, until her nose was pressed into his pelvis. 

"Oh God! Haley! Oh shit that's so good." Michael was straining to keep from coming to quickly. Learning that his date apparently had no gag reflex whatsoever was enough to send him over the top. "I'm going to cum, oh shit I can't hold it anymore." At that moment, with his penis so far down her throat he thought he could feel her stomach, he ejaculated. Pulse after pulse, load after load, his balls emptied themselves in the back of Haley's throat. 

She tried her best but the size of the load proved too much for her to keep contained. She coughed and sputtered, and his cum splashed out of her mouth, dribbled down her chin, over her breasts, and genuinely made a mess. She smiled at him, and he looked her in the eyes and they shared a laugh.

Jealous Roommate Cumshot

"That was fucking hot." Haley said, standing up. "We should probably get going though, it's getting pretty late. Let me get my pants- Oh SHIT!"

There on the ground was her pants, Gina's pants, the ones she had promised to keep in good condition. Absolutely. Covered. In semen. "My roommate....is going to kill me."

To be continued....


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