JPDE 2 - THE WORLD OF REMNANT (Extended) (Patreon)
Hello thar, Papa Italiano here... And I thought about sharing this with you now that it has gotten to a good point, to let you know that we're already working on some stuff that concerns the sequel of JPDE.
For my part, being the writer, one of the more important things that needed to be done imho was expand on the crumbs and titbits of information about Remnant that the CRWBY has given us. After scouring and thinking, I found them... Lacking.
There are two big problems with the standard representation and geography of Remnant and the way its four nations are depicted: size and position.
- Size: if Remnant is supposed to be a world the size of Earth, then the four kingdoms as they are cannot be the only landmasses on it. If they are, it would make each continent the size of something akin to Asia. Imagine how long it'd take for anyone to traverse them without something akin to an airplane with jet enjines, which is not what we've seen people use in the series to travel.
- Position: of the four kingdoms we know very little other than they're allegorical of real life cultures and countries. Vale is kinda european/american, Vacuo is a desert country, Mistral is fantasy Asia -Japan/China/Vietnam/Korea/etc all fused together-, Atlas is germany/russia and Menagerie is Australia, I guess...
Problem is, to be those things the positions they occupy on the original map of remnant are completely wrong, especially if they're supposed to be the only landmasses on an earth-sized planet. Just to give you an idea, Menagerie should have the same climate of Siberia.
Hence, this extended version of Remnant that I've cooked out, thanks in no small part to the tutorials of Artifexian on Youtube. If you have even a slight interest in world-building, check him out.
It's not a definitive version, of course. It still lacks many things and it could graphically be better but these maps are already a great starting point, since I managed to make Remnant a believable Earth-sized planet and most importantly I've manage to rearrange the original continents so that there are places where the four kingdoms can have the climates shown in the show.
Expect to see more and more of this kind of content as we conclude the main story cycle of the original JPDE and we go into working on the sequel, since thanks to your support with JPDE2 we're going bigger. Deeper. Different. And I can't wait to show you what we have in store.
- Meinos Kaen