beautiful day (Patreon)
But I still remember the damn bluff pervert and bystanders.
That idiot is likely to take off his pants at the first meeting.
he can just speak a little clusterfuck english.
If they thinks it's a play of words, they can't live a normal life, at least in Korea.
And bystanders,
It's an act of turning a blind eye when the weak person are bullied.
This is no different from bullying.
We probably learned from our parents, when we were a child.
And this is adult only.
Of course, I'm disappointed about the situation, but I don't blame anyone.
tubie is still your tubie.
Yeah, I'll cut back on the boring story.
I promised Veemz that I would write down my daily updates while taking a break from creation.
I went to pilates. and met my high school friends for the while ate something delicious.
And I met a very cute black puppy on the street.
The owner of that sweet child was a very kind and wonderful gentleman.
And weather it got very cold.
Maybe it was a little healing.
Thankful everything on the day.