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So the reason it took me so long to make one picture, a bunch of alts and a simple pack.

its.. WACOM!

Yep, the ONE AND ONLY! Wacom comes to save the day!

I was having some troubles with electricity, but this is completely another matter in terms of time it requiered to fix.

The moment i installed wacom update, i optained so called "cursor gap" which is basically "you are shoting ~100 pixels off where you aiming at" but when drawing lol.

It took 3 days of try and error to "resolve" it, since each wacom driver related issue is so uniqe, it should be called cancer by this point.

I tried literally everything net has to offer and everything i came up during my 5 years expirience with wacom products but nothing would work.

It seemed like OS reinstallation was my last hope... AND BANG! ^ Thats waht i get after clean installment.

I was so mad i had to contain this red anger and rage not to snap this piece of shit Intuos in half.

Eventually i had to manually create a Windows boot partition or whatewer this dumb shit is to boot in.

Aaand whoala! Wacom pulls the same old 100~ gap ass shit up in my face.


The god damn gap was still there, i could not work with that!

So after 3 hours of cursing and swearings, i found the reason...

This little boi im pointing at wants me to suffer.

And i CANT work without hem enabled, my working surface gets all stretched to the point where its impossible to draw a circle.

So a had to fight him.

From what i've gathered, SAI gets screen resolution properties from wacom driver, while this little boi makes is to your work surface of the tablet is exactly the same as your display ratio.

But in my case is only makes cursor to match my display, but not the canvas for SAI so missmatch ocures.

The fix:

Select you tablet working area MANUALLY!

You can click the boi and see how much he cutsh your surface and then uncheck him and cut it manually the same ammount.

These are the numbers i geot most accurate to work with at 2k monitor.

This whole situation on top of the mowing in another town just destroyed me.

Anyway, thank you for patience, i did my absolute best to resolve the problem and i succeeded.

Have a nicer day.


(No title)



Dang, man. That must be one wild ride.


There's an option in SAI to change what manages the cursor mapping. Send me a PM and I can walk you through it since it's a little lengthy.


I really want to help you relax!


Yes, it did merge cursor and canvas, but it looses pressure sensitivity.


I've heard of the "Fix old wacom bug" trick doing that but these new issues are mostly caused by Microsoft pushing Windows Ink workspace as the universal moving over from WinTab, so I'd say try swapping that setting instead if you haven't already?