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Paypal requested me to reject my nationality.

Well not directly, but rejecting current nationality is the only way to obtain permission to stay in foreign country for more than three months.

I'm not saying i gave up, in fact, i'm still fighting CS for 3rd month.

Its just... processing could take up to half of a year.

I'm still figuring out alternative paths like "creating new paypal account"

Which i'm gonna... well... lets say, my friend is gonna help me out with new acc.

Extreemly upsetting situation, i know.

So i might be able to work with patreon, meanwhile. I just have to cut the prices to 1-4$ range.



ты скажи, чем помочь можем?


Good luck Skygracer! I believe in you!


Мне в общем пора становится гражданином РФ. Пока что всё зависит от меня.


я сам с рф и могу сказать только... тебя поставили перед выбором, носящего характер "звездец" выбор между иной другой платформой с монетизацией (с условием, если такие вообще есть) и без смены гражданства наглухо отсутствуют?


Да, пайонир в россии практически не работает. Так что это единственный вариант.


This is just... awful, I‘m sorry to hear that. :( But what about Payoneer as an alternative to Papyal? I guess it should also available for you if it‘s for me, since I‘m also not based in the US. I mean switching accounts is just a temporary work around and Payoneer might be a decent solution, since Paypal isn‘t reliable at all. Isn‘t it worth a shot? If it doesn‘t work out, I guess you can just change the payout options again.


Sorry to hear that. :( Best of luck, Skygracer! I'll continue to support you no matter what! <3


paypal is downright fucking shit


I really wish I can do more for you from over here. I hope you can make your plan work out!


Have you tried looking at other options? Zelle seems to be getting popular in the US. Although I have heard some shady things about them too.