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So, you probably was wondering about where the f*ck was i?

Well, i got home on jan 14 and was preping for drawing some nice butt pictures.

The problem is, i IMMEDIATELY got fingertips burns by some hot plates.

It was very, very painful to even rest my hand down, as the bloodflow would cause intense pulsing pain.

I spent some time trying to figure out how to change my grip so i could draw, since i wasn't home for one month straight, i couldn't afford another vacation.

Got a bit careless and unlucky there.

i was gonna make this month a PM distribute reward but i think this is unnecessary, so back to post wall type again.

Im still working on some stuff, its already less painfull to draw as i used to so expect at least one fully colored picture and some sketches.

I'm also planning to do a collab stuff on feb 14 :3 so looking foward on that.


Meanwhile, hope you enjoy latest Densatra drawing which was actually designed by me and comissioned by Deathhydra.

I know my perfomance needs some improvements lately, i apologize for such small ammount of content. Life is really woun't stop fucking up every single plan of mine(



Aww Skygracer! I wanna help your hands so you don't get hurt ;w; really can't wait to see your collab later! And your art is really amazing and magnificent! No hurry on your art <3


That sucks, but I am glad you changed your mind on the PM stuff. Hope you get better soon!


Hot damn, dude (no pun intended) that sucks. Although it's good to hear any news from you. Rest easy, but it's a good idea to try giving your patrons an update as soon as problems arise even when you have to do voice typing or get help from a friend. Get well soon!


Yeoch... That sucks! Hope your fingers are feeling better


I guess there is no need to hurry as long as you keep us at least informed about what's going on. So get well soon! By the way, since I'm working in IT full time (also in my free time, I'm kinda a gearhead in this topic): If I can help you out with anything in this regard, just write me a message I will do the best I can.


Take Care !! We can w8 !


ouch x.x get better soon