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I got reported a lot of bugs with 0.2. specificly, and some of them was pretty bad.
So here goes another round of bugfixes 


  • Personal times now displays 2 decimals rather then one, to avoid confusion with rounding
  • Pressing reset after completion of last stage of level causing level to appear incompleted (visual bug) 
  • Ass pose interaction hitbox covering table more than halfway 
  • Pose switch can carry over from main pose to others in rare occasions 
  • Hitbox of setting menu elements being a lot bigger than it supposed to 
  • Replaying intro in some cases leading to weird animations/camera position
  • Wrong drawing order on some HUD elements (I keep fixing some, and breaking others in proccess)
  • Grabbing interaction freezing interactable bodypart (both ass and boobs)

Ther is a bug, where ancient body tearing briefly during transition to ass pose animation.
It's seems to be very rare, and I can't replicate it consistantly, nor find a reason for it to happen yet. If you getting it often, or got any ideas about it, please do tell :^) 

Patched version uploaded into mega folder.



just a quick question because I didn't play this on a while: what does the two tongue icons on the second page of the minigames?the two games on the midle


You have beaten them with the best time I assume? If not send screenshot to discord :)