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Heya ( ˙▿˙ )/

Im still deep in thoughts about my further approach to developing H games, so im putting that aside at least until Im done with this month build for Gauntlet.

One thing I can say for sure -  I will do more random art, since focusing on single thing for a long time will stagnate my skills significantly.

Here's a first WIP frame of little animation I was doing in a last couple days:

I want to experiment with different scale a bit.
It should be done by the end of the month as well, if I'll give it couple hours every day

Doing decent progress on Gauntlet as well. Quite faster than last year at least :^)

I made a big list of everythig I want to add, and then I pick one thing I feel like doing the most, so I can't even say what will end up being in an update :P 

Here's some WIP's: 

Next post will probably contain Jan build, or maybe I'll feel like sharing something cool before that :P 



Thanks for the update! I love your art/WIP posts