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Hey there!


Apologies for taking too long for updates. I had to temporarily get second job, so my free time got fucked a little, hehe.

Btw thank you for monetary support you all providing, it helps out quite a lot.


I will try to put things in order of importance for tldr.

Giga-short tldr: Check out WIP designs in the end, and wait a bit for playable demo to try out ;)


I decided to release a demo of playable level, rather than trying to swallow whole game upfront. This way I can gather feedback and polish care gameplay systems, as well as build up some interest.

Code base is kinda ready, I’m mostly need to finish animations.


I would call it Exhibitionism sim/RPG with adventure elements. 

Premise: A succubus in a late stage of training got assign final exam to infiltrate academy of high morals, and corrupt it from inside.


Here’s some features:

* I will divide them in 2 main game modes - classes and exploration, as well as overall features.



  • This is what demo will be focused on, so you will be able to see it soon :)

  • Partially inspired by game "BUSTED!" and "Lewd City Girls" from Hotpink (and RCG itself lol)

  • Goal is to do as much lewd things as you can, without being detected by unwanted parties.

  • Being realistic is NOT a consideration, so it can go as far as you can imagine (stealth orgies? hell yea!)

  • By succeeding, you will increase your succubus experience, being able to unlock more percs/abilities, as well as recruit students to your cause.

  • Recruited students have a lot of uses. Some most loyal to you can even start a secret cult, who knows 0.0

  • Each class have exploration zone associated with it, and they progress separate from each other.

  • As you progress with corruption, you will have opportunities to seduce key opposing characters, such as teachers, so by the end there might be no opposition, and essentially freeplay.

  • First zone will be normal class, and for later science/swimming/PE classes are planned.

  • Each class will feature unique outfit and set of skills/animations, swimsuit for pools etc.



  • In between classes you are able to explore academy in an RPG.

  • By proceeding with corruption, you will clearly see the changes in NPC behavior.

  • Rather than usual top-down view, I'm planning to do side view (like in RCG) That will allow better interactions with NPC and environment.

  • Huge number of animated events with side characters and random NPC's, depending on corruption level of zone/whole academy

  • By progressing through the game and unlocking new abilities/percs you would be able to unlock more interactions.

  • Finding and completing quest chains will unlock new approaches to main gameplay, might alter environment or unlock new system or locations. All quest is meaningful for progression.




  •  Several progression systems akin to RPG: Corrupting zones, accumulating experience, recruiting students etc.

  • Multiple side characters to help you in several ways.

  • Easy basics, but also rewarding skill expression and optimization.

  • I’m planning to commission several people whenever I save up enough money. Main concerns are - good sound design, user interface. Also will consider commissioning backgrounds.


Here's design concept, things are subject to change. (I already altered hair pallet a bit, but I can't access it rn)   


That's some surface level explanation from the top of my head, since I am limited on time rn, I'd rather spend it on working on the game, but feel free to ask if anything specific catches your eye!


The plan rn is to: work on some animations -> do gauntlet update while commissioned music and UI got ready -> finish the demo. 


 This post took way longer than I though it would, now I'll spend the rest of the day animating!

P.S. I need a good name for a project, even if temporary. It's called just succInfiltration on my disc rn xd



You always have the most interesting game ideas so happy to see where this goes and how you execute the vision.


Interested to see where this goes, best of luck.