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As mentioned, Self-replicating SCPs will be this weeks video. This poll will determine the video for the 1st of August. We still have around a month and a half before the SCP-7000 contest ends, but we may as well clear up the polls a little bit to prepare.



7000 already?


Damn, I know Wandsmen is not gonna win for a long time but can't wait for when it does.


Seems like it would be a great double feature with the birds scp..


I just wanted to say I love your content and I don't care what the next SCP will be because you make them all great :)


Cant believe you actually included new GOI after my suggestion on last post. I know what i will be voting for the next 15 months

Harry Moore

The Aristocrats is one of the dumbest SCP's sadly, and has been covered to death. Bummed to see so many people vote for it


I’m hoping a tale or two will be added for the aristocrats considering it’s been covered so many times


I’m hoping my 7k does well enough to be covered at some point lol 😅

Valentine Han

I think I already seen like 3 different videos about ARISTOCRATS so I hope we will get serpent instead