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Brothers and Sisters,

If you watched my recent video "1D6 COMMANDMENTS FOR 2024", then you'll know I'm challenging myself to document more of my daily work rather than trying to create something entirely new every single day.

Sticking to that , here's a Church of Doom themed planner I made for myself this morning along with a bit of backstory as to why I created it!

1. {Tactile Edge} I'm making a big shift from working exclusively in the "digital realm" with things like Notion/Google Docs, and instead introducing more physical materials and tools back into my life. I miss the tactile feel of pen on paper, and my adhd brain has always faught against digital planners. They just don't scratch the itch of writing things down only to stratch them out, and I never remember anything that's on my digital calendar anyways!

2. {Modular} I wanted a calendar that had my own personal touch, and, more importantly, was something I could easily change at any point. If a few days from now I realize there's a better way to lay out the planner, then I can just make the edits, print out the pages, 3-hole punch those bad boys, and toss them into my 3 ring binder. Something you can easily do in a program like Notion, but not something you can do at all with a store-bought planner. I think this is a perfect middle ground. And speaking of modular, here is the Canva template for this entire calendar that you can edit however you wish or need to fit your own lifestyle!

3. {Godly Perspective} I basically spent all of last year thinking one day at a time. Every day I woke up, cranked out what I could in that day, went to bed, and did the same thing the next day. That's great for cranking out lots of content, but it's not very good for living a balanced, varied, and healthy lifestyle. With this calendar, I hope to be better about looking at life/time from a more "godly" perspective {i.e. take a step back and look at the year as a whole}, as opposed to hyper fixating on each day which ultimately ended up having lots of negative impacts on my work and life.

This is very different from my usual stuff, but that's going to be a theme this year! There will still be more DnD content than any of you could possibly hope to use at your tables going up here on the ol' Patreon, but there's also going to be lots of other "behind the scenes" type posts that {I hope} will give you a more personal glimpse into my life. I also think this approach will give me a lot more flexibility in exactly what I want to create and share with you all on a day-to-day basis {expect the new and improved 2024 Patron perks to come out later this week!}.

And that's really what this is all about! It's not about writing DnD content for the sake of writing DnD content. It's about building a congregation of like-minded people who want to follow along on this crazy TTRPG journey I'm on and help spread the teachings of the Church of Doom!

So thank you all for your continued supported and tithings going into the age of 2024, and I can't wait to see what we create together over the coming months.

Unholiest regards,

Father Doom / Landon Guss



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