This unholy scripture is dedicated to our Martyr King Kazon who requested:
Could I get a list of ideas for the byproducts of being in the vicinity of Arcanoactive substances (Radiation-esque residue left by intense instances of magic in my world). Ideas for the environment, flora/fauna, and/or characters would be awesome!
Lots of fun to brainstorm as it's also a perfect fit for the Doomed Realms where mortals are constnalty getting fucked up and mutated by magic haha. Hope you all get some value or inspiration out of these ideas!
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{Custom Verse} All Martyr-tier Patrons can request 1 custom verse of unholy scripture {d6 list + printouts + art} per month. These custom verses are made freely available to all our brothers and sisters, and is dedicated to you by name.
{Art Crypt} If you are a Prophet/Zealot/Martyr level Patron, then all the contents and art files for this chapter have already been uploaded to the "Art Crypt" section of the Doomnomicon {the Doomnomicon also offers behind-the-scenes looks at all upcoming chapters in the "Book of WIP".
{Index Cards} Inspired by Runehammer's very own Index Card RPG {ICRPG}, all of this chapter's extra art files are included in "index card" printouts {cut along the dotted lines and you have 4 printed handouts ready to use at the table however you need when running your adventures}.