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Me and Mama Doom are finally all settled into the new place {which is fucking awesome btw}, and I'm ready to get back to work!

Thank you all for your patience the past 2 weeks. I expected to come back to a pretty big dip in memberships, but we only had a small handful of cultists flee the church lol. Really can't express enough gratitude for you all enduring my constant changes/updates/burnouts. Which brings me to my next point-

Over the past couple weeks I've been experiencing some of the worst depression I've had in a long time. Despite everything going great and me finally achieving my dream career, I could barely muster the energy to get 1 video out a week, scrolls were constantly being delayed or outright missed, and my creative spark was non-existent.

So I did what I'm sure all of us have done at some point. I went to Google to find out what was wrong with me. I watched every video I could find on burnout, creative ruts, and entrepreneurship to try and get out of the funk. Sometimes I'd have a good day or two and feel like it was working, but then I'd always slide right back down.

Then I watched this video:


After watching it, I took a real long look inward to find out what motivates me and in what conditions/circumstances I do my best work. Here's what I discovered:

- I don't suffer burnout when the project I'm working on is 100% entirely my own and there are no expectations associated with it. When I'm told what I have or need to do, I tend to quickly resent that source of work. Even if it's something I enjoy. {ex. I used to write several pages of home-brew D&D ideas a day without much issue before I started the Patreon, but once the Patreon was live I quickly fell down to only 1-2 pages.}

- When I have a deadline placed in front of me, I tend to the do the bare minimum. When there is no deadline, I do some of my best work and I often do it quicker than when there is a deadline. {ex. I love painting miniatures and could paint for days on end, but any commission work I've taken on I almost immediately dread doing and procrastinate as long as possible}

And that brings us to the main point of this very long and personal post-

Changes are coming to Patreon.

Shocking, right? I neeeever change things here on Patreon lol. But that's also something I'm going to start embracing when it comes to my creative process. I like to switch things up often. I like to test different methods and styles to see what I like/dislike, what works the best, and what's the most fun way to do things.

I don't know exactly what these upcoming changes will be, I just know that changes are needed because what I'm doing right now isn't enjoyable or sustainable. I also don't know exactly when these changes will go into effect, though I suspect within the week given my excitement to get back in the groove of making lots of content.

Until then, it'll be close to business as usual for at least the next couple days. New scrolls will be coming out, but they'll be pretty different from previous scrolls as I experiment with new formats and scroll types.

Thank you all again for your past {and hopefully continued} patience as we build this unholy Church, and please shoot me a DM or email if you ever have anything you want to chat about!

Unholiest Regards,

Reverend Father Doom {Landon G.}



Taking care of yourself & doing what works best for YOU is what’s most important! I’m excited to see what changes you bring to keep yourself inspired & keep sharing these amazing ideas with us!


You take care of you and the family. I am not going any where my friend.