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Here's all the art from {Cursed Sermon #033} which you watch here if you you missed it! A few bonus images in there that I didn't end up using.



Dear _Obi

I'm loving this change in style change mate, so much more clear and focused. Any chance we can get a tutorial on how to get such results or the generator in use


Thanks man! The template I used for my prompts is actually pretty easy. This is what I used for the image of the two skeletal ghouls: the swamp ghoul with two heads, painted by Frank Frazetta --ar 3:2 --v 5 --s 750 So obviously it didn't do exactly what I asked, but I ended up liking the image a lot. I've found the simpler I keep my prompts, the more interesting images it gives me. I try to keep my request to 1 sentence which in this case was "the swamp ghoul with two heads," and then I might add a little extra detail like "stormy" or "fire everywhere" afterwards. Then I end most everything with "painted by Frank Frazetta" as I just love his style and Midjourney does a good job replicating it. What I've got at the end there {--ar 3:2} is the aspect ratio which I really important for getting better images. For portraits you'll usually want to go with --ar 2:3 and for landscapes or scenes stick to either --ar 3:2 or --ar 16:9. The --v 5 is just the most recent version of Midjourney, and the --s 750 is how much I want Midjourney to stylize the image on a scale of 0 to 1000. 750 has been a reliable sweet spot for me. Hope that helps!