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Brothers and Sisters,

In addition to new content being added to all current tiers, I've added 2 new membership tiers to the Church of Doom!

{Doom Fanatic} Vote on weekly Scroll of Delving themes {5-room mini dungeons}, get weekly Tomes of Indoctrination {bundled PDFs of all weekly content}, zipped files for all of the week's art, and get shoutouts in all of my long-format YouTube videos + IG image posts

{Doom Zealot} Get everything from the Doom Fanatic tier, commission a custom Scroll of Relation each month to be shared with the community, and be amongst the first listed in Patron "thank you" section in my videos and IG image posts.

You can check them out in more detail and adjust your membership level here.

With ill tidings,

Reverend Father Doom



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