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⭐️ Session 6 Recap for Tales Across the Kingdom ⭐️ 

🏯 With the threat of Arkrash the young dragon turtle dealt with and a cure for Sulrax's village in hand, the party made for the city of Pearlpalace where they hoped to book passage aboard a Spell Sail to take them to the realm of Mushspore. 

⚓️ Dock Mistress Yukimara was quick to inform the party that passage aboard such magical artifacts was quite expensive [250 gp each] but a deal was struck- someone had broke into her office and started a fire a few nights prior. If they could bring the one responsible to her, she would waive the fee and let them sail at no cost. 

📚 The party headed to the city slums where they'd heard similar fires were breaking out. They quickly discovered a book store going up in flames and running out of the front doors was a young boy being chased by several elderly thugs who the boy had tried to stand up to. 

🔥 After the thugs where dealt with, the party fled the scene with their new companion, a young sorcerer named Max. He informed them that he was responsible for the fires but it was all an accident. He simply couldn't control the fire burning within him. 

💰 Not wanting to turn a young boy over to the law but desperate for coin, Max told them he'd heard the thugs had a hideout beneath the Flying Leaf Tea House. Surely they'd have enough coin there for all 4 of them to book passage aboard a Spell Sail! 

🫖 As the city slept, the party approached the tea house and tried to force their way through the front doors. As expected, this triggered a trap that caused two iron kettle golems to animate and attack! 

🍵 With their cover blown, the party rushed down into the hideout only to be ambushed by a mysterious and elderly drow known as "The Tea Master." They party discovered this was no ordinary group of thugs, but actually a secret guild of assassins known as the Silver Kettles! A violent fight broke out that nearly claimed the lives of the entire party, but in the end the Tea Master managed to escape while the rest of the assassins lay slain. 

Next session the party will discover what treasures the assassins had tucked away and sail to Mushspore before the Tea Master has a chance to retaliate! 

💈Join the Campaign💈 

- Got 2 opens seats in this campaign 🪑 

- "Tales Across the Kingdom" is a sandbox campaign similar to the play style of Critical Role 🐲 

- We play every Tuesday night at 5pm MST ⏰ 

-$30/session and no experience is required 🤙🏼 https://startplaying.games/adventure/cl7jugvmb000i0al3e5nv2wao

⚔️ The Party ⚔️ 

- Max [Human phoenix sorcerer] 

- Sulrax [Dragonborn circle of spores druid] 

- Mourn [Drow swarm master ranger] 

- Mokoatl [Lizardfolk ancestral guardian barbarian]



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