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Light session when it came to new art since half the night was a boss fight!


☠️S6 Recap Tomb of Annihilation ☠️

🐊 The party kicked things off with a fight-to-the-death against the skeletal remains of the River King! Throughout the fight the waters in the crypt rapidly rose, allowing the crocodiles swimming around to get closer and closer as the party retreated up a mountain of gold.

🌚 Just moments before the party would've drowned, Ebdrak [dwarf cleric] shattered the skull of the River King with his holy mace which caused the waters to lower and the remaining crocodiles to flee.

💰 The party went about counting the hoard of gold which seems to exceed 5000 gp and parted ways with their new tabaxi ally Gold Fang who said she "knew some people" who could help get all the gold back to Port Featherfang for them. The party didn't seem to realize how shady this sounded lol.

🪶 The party returned to Port Featherfang and level up! Ebdrak had a vision of Nubili, the four-armed ape god of the moon swinging across the heavens. Akhari [earth genasi monk] trained with his sick and dying master in the Featherrot Slums where they'd been helping the sick. And Merek [human artificer] met one of the few true blacksmiths in the port city who helped him build his armorer suit.

🦷 The party's patron, Syndra Sylvane, informed them that a Tooth of Acerak was seen watching the ocean pass between the Kefowepsei Jungle and the Jungle of Bones. Having encountered one of these Teeth before, the party now knows that the Teeth of Acerak are a cult of necromancers who worship Acerak the God Eater, an infamous lich who starved to death long ago after the gods fled to the furthest corners of the heavens.

Next session the party sets out for the Jungle of Bones to track down this Tooth of Acerak and see what they know about the Death Curse.

💈Join the Campaign💈

- Got 2 opens seats in this campaign!

-We play Thursday nights at 5pm MST.

-$30/session and no experience is required 🤙🏼




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