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Hello, dear friends, I decided to share with you the news on the content and the immediate plans. Now the New Year holidays have begun and it is becoming quite difficult to organize work (to find time for a translator, a designer, and myself). Everyone wants to see their family, go to them for the holidays and just have a little rest. But let's not talk about sad things. The update is a little delayed because I decided to add story content to it (it is related to the preparation for the creation of a new anime universe, which we will launch in the new year). Thank you so much for your support, without you I would not be able to pay for the work of those who help me. I do not forget about you and the game and will try to please you with new content very soon. Happy holidays to everyone, spend them with family and friends. Hugging everyone!



I’m very interested to here about the new anime universe that should be interesting