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So I have some good and bad news, kinda, depending on how you look at it.

Tl;dr is that the sound designer needs more time to finish adding audio to the complete thing . So, instead, what we agreed on was that I'll release it in fragments/pieces. They said I would be given a completed piece each day starting from the 31st (today for me), which I can provide to you all. That means, hopefully by friday (5th of january), since there's 6 scenes, I can upload a version with all parts together instead of separate.

Just to be transparent, I was given the option to have them continue trying to finish everything by the 31st or spread it out across the week (this conversation was just yesterday), but was told that it would impact the quality if I still wanted it by the 31st. At first I felt pretty defeated and confused due to the timing, but I opted not to have them rush just because I didn't want to sacrifice quality for you all. That and I'd probably regret it if I just released it without meeting the full potential.  

From what I could tell, the reason why they likely need more time is because they got busy with other commissions, so it had a domino effect onto the Kafka project. With all the other setbacks I had though, I guess this one isn't all too bad and seems to be the last possible problem that could happen.  

I hope this is okay and hopefully you can understand, some of these outsourcing things I don't exactly have full control over. The animation has been done for a while, the sound is just the last piece to it. That aside, I'm sorry I couldn't release it on time.  But I will upload the first scene they send to me today though, so keep an eye out for that.


Tempted Sinner

That sucks... But I respect your decision! ;)


Don't worry about it. Waiting a bit longer is no biggie. Looking forward to it :)

Beidou Supremacy

Unfortunate, but it's alright. We've already waited this long, an extra week isn't gonna hurt. Definitely respect the decision for the sake of the quality. 👍


It's mo problem, I always prefer the finished complete product over a rushed messy one. I am anticipating the animation and I'm fully ok with waiting, thanks for the update!


Looking forward to the fully finished product


I hope you’re not getting too upset over this. I understand some people will, but they should understand that it’s not anything done on your account. Working with other people to get a project done and relying on said people can be tough, especially around the holidays. Thank you for all that you do :)


Thank you for being transparent and for thinking about your audience, quality work goes a long way 🫶

Uzaki Chan

First scene soon?