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Alright everyone... This is it. Starting March, production for Meatier Showers 2024 will commence in earnest. The official title will be Meatier Showers: STARGAZER, based off polling results from all the way back in 2021. You might be wondering, WHY "Stargazer"? It would be difficult for me to answer the question without major spoilers, so let's just say it references something I've been working towards from the very beginning, maybe as early as 2017? Or even earlier like 2015. But well, we'll see how all this goes.

Billing Resumes March 2024

With March on the horizon, we'll be making a major shift towards marketing Stargazer as a new Patreon project. Billing will also resume so please don't be alarmed! Every bit helps me with getting through this period of unemployment. And truth be told, I would really rather much make furry comics for a living if it was only more sustainable. That said, if you can't afford to, or decide to leave for whatever reason? No worries.

Storyboarding is Reboarding

Meanwhile, I've been diligently shaping my new story from every angle. Playing out multiple scenarios and trying to distill the best possible story solutions. At this state of ideation, time moves very differently for me. It's almost like being in a pocket dimension as you live through the characters in the mind's eye. I've seen... a couple of "What If" multiverses and have finally arrived at the one I feel is best for the series going forward.

For now, here are some of the more recent revisions:

Titillating Developments

I will be releasing a clearer breakdown of the chapters and an overview of the story arcs. I'm currently more focused on ensuring that the first 12 pages are in their best possible condition since these first 12 will be the foundation for Stargazer. Everything should play out normally as a gainer-feeder story arc, as we see the side effects of the protein powder play out. As much as I have a personal thing for dick nipples, I do not feel that this is a suitable point in the story for it to play out. On a visually level alone, I do foresee that it can be very distracting for a already niche audience, and as something prominent that recurs over the following pages, I rather not let my personal fetishes detract from a deeper story.

  • Page 7: Over the shoulder shot as Pridestar checks in on Snares. He closes the door behind him as he enters the lifeguard lion's home. In a full body shot, we reveal to the reader and Pridestar that Snares can't seem to stop lactating - we understand at this point this is the main reason why he's called off the dinner meeting with Pridestar (revision to also be reflected in Page 1 that Snares is lactating and not having dick nipple syndrome)
  • Page 8: Rather than being repulsed or mocking, Pridestar is fascinated by the lactating lifeguard and asks for permission to have a feel. Snares squirts uncontrollably and Pride wonders if he could get more of where that stuff came from.

  • Page 9 - 12: While I don't expect be to a sole force of change and influence in the fandom, given the opportunity, not only do I want to use Meatier Showers to explore a new kink or fetish with each new book, but I also hope to make an active effort in adding more sex positivity into the series. Pridestar to take his time with Snares, never rushing or forcing food onto him, unless the latter says it's okay. Pride makes certain that Snares is comfortably settled in and takes an effort to communicate clearly - especially when Snares doesn't vocalize properly. There's a bit of foreplay, some cuddling and of course, belly nuzzling. Pridestar pampers the growing lion. The belly growing montages play out as shown in the previous thumbnails, where the two take frequent breaks, between all the gorging, they take time to play video games, chill and watch movies together.

I've narrowed my focus to just the first 12 pages instead of going too far out, making said 12-pages "SIDE A" of Stargazer (the feeder-gainer arc) - if anyone still remembers cassette tapes... The next 12-18 pages will be the planetary arc which will provide more context to the chosen title of this book. I had my reservations about the second half of the book initially, as you may have noticed in the early thumbnails that the pages beyond SIDE A were primarily focused on action and rather light on storytelling. While that may not be an issue to most, I personally wanted something more and deeper out of SIDE B, including Pridestar's powers, his origin story and how it all fits into the bigger picture of things.

Production on SIDE A is expected to last between Mar 2024 - Feb 2025, while SIDE B production is expected to span another 12-18 pages beyond Feb 2025. STARGAZER is expected be 24 to 30 pages, produced over a projected timeframe of 24 months.

If you haven't already, please do kindly support me by picking up a digital copy of Swole Mates. Patreon supporters get a HUGE discount of $10 during this promotional period, so please swing by over and maybe let a friend or two know about the exciting lineup. I've been reading all your comments and even if I may not be able to reply to all of them, I really appreciate the responses. Thank you so much and feel free to share your thoughts here.

This concludes the pitching phase. Billing will only resume next month in March 2024. I hope this pitching process helps everyone to make an informed decision if they wish to stick around or not. Whatever your reasons or decisions may be, thank you for being a part of the process. I hope that you are as excited as I am about Stargazer.

Stay swole and take care.

Feb 2024




Super excited for it!