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I hope you've enjoyed the previous Introduction and Feeder Gainer pitches. As we move through mid February, I would like to expedite my efforts in bringing this project to a production state, but not without sacrificing on story quality. While the original full length of Meatier Showers 2024 was projected to be 36, upon reviewing my thumbnails and revising dialogue and story flow, I'm inclined to shore up my resources and aim for a short story that can be told within 24 pages. In the following thumbnails, you'll notice that content beyond page 18 gets looser and more focused on "action". By comparison, the first 6 pages from the Introduction pitch had tighter editing and offered a more condensed reading experience. My goal is to condense as much of the following content with the remaining thumbnails for a similar tighter edit. With all that said, here goes:


Since 2022, during the conception of Meatier Showers: Swole Mates, I had longed to cover Pridestar's powers which had been foreshadowed in his glowing star tattoo. I was never able to fully explore this as the whole mechanism came out of nowhere with little to no lead up. It also conflicted with the main growth mechanism of Swole Mates which was Pridestar's pheromones. There has always been this specific scene and moment that comes to my mind with Pridestar, and I am hoping that this story arc would be an appropriate time to include his secret powers.

  • Page 19: After a certain point of Snares' growth, the size difference between Pridestar and Snares become so great that it doesn't feel fun or reciprocal anymore. In a "are you thinking what I'm thinking" moment, they both wish for each other to be able to grow together. Pridestar's tattoo glows (at which point I'm wondering, if it should only glow once, at this particular instance, or does it make sense to have it glow again?) Pridestar opens up a Star Portal through which he disappears - they both agree to meet in space.
  • Pages 20 - 21: Pridestar travels through the Libi-domain (working title). He arrives at the boundary. Through a scene inspired heavily by FLCL, Pridestar whips out a bass guitar from his speedos (stay with me) and smashes the boundary.
  • Pages 22 - 24: Snares has grown to almost the size of Earth, teetering off the planet itself and floating into space. A Star Portal cracks open in space, and Pridestar in his celestial form ala Gurren Lagann climbs out of it. Pridestar takes Snares on a planetary buffet, inhaling gas giants and munching on moons.

  • Pages 25 - 27: Obviously, Snares keeps growing. There's foreplay, interaction and some planetary level butt sex - most of which... I think is optional. They are nice-to-have action sequences, but I'm also wondering if I've already lost my readers at this point?

  • Pages 28 - 32: By this point, short of gobbling up the galazy as a whole, Snares has grown large enough that he has his own atmosphere going on. They decide to head back (the mechanics of which I'm still deciding). The two make another wish to return back to "default", and they reappear back at Buffie Beach in the evening as though none of the shenanigans had happened. They sit by the sea and share a moment together. Snares musing to him, decides to keep his dick nipple situation. The comic ends with them back at Preyford Dobermanners' store shopping for new accessories for Snares.

So there's quite a bit to unpack there. Lemme know what you guys think, if I've clearly lost my mind or if you're absolutely on board with this nonsense. I took a week off over the Lunar New Year to review and revise my original plans, of which I'll be sharing with them next weekend.

Please bear in mind that starting March 2024, I'll start Patreon billing as per normal, now that everyone's gotten a good idea of what kind of content to expect for the year ahead. Patreon is going to be my main gig after my recent layoff, another topic I'd like to talk more about at a later time.

For now, please feel free to leave your thoughts and comments below!

Feb 2024




I can’t wait to read the final product. I know it’s going to be fantastic as always.


Looking forward to this so much! Love seeing your process and exploring the new comic idea! ❤️


Excited to see how this turns out!! Would be cute after they've returned to "normal" that Snares had a little more tummy


Love love LOVE all these storyboards! Haven't lost me at all, infact Im craving more 😍 As Zwei suggested I'd love to see Snares keep something from the whole universal gaining experience~ A nice plush tum would compliment those massive pecs well afterall~