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Hi everyone!

Thank you for your patience. Here's an early update on the new project around the horizon. There have been many reasons why I've drastically changed the format, but I'll save that for another post next time.

For now, allow me to introduce to you an all-new 16-18 page action comedy series, "KAIJUICE". If you love growth, into macrofurs or just tokusatsu  movies, this is definitely for you!

As we move closer towards May, the front cover page of my Patreon page will undergo several changes to better reflect the new project I'm undertaking.

To garner stronger interest and new readers, I am building this 3-page prototype comic, or pilot if you will. The 3-page comic pretty much sums up and captures the overall mood of the series, but is not necessarily the final product. In fact, the final 16-18 page comic is more of an expanded version of this pilot and goes into deeper detail.

Fans of Meatier Showers may recognize 2 returning faces from the series in KAIJUICE.

So if you know a friend who's into kaijus  or macrofurs, please point them this way. Every bit helps! Thank you for your continued support, hang around for more pages next month!

Apr 2017



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