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Thank you for your continued patience and support. For those of you still waiting around to see what's actually being planned out on the horizon, the short story is that the Muscle Growth project will be cancelled. Since the first test drive last month, a good deal of $15 supporters have since completely dropping out. I think that this is clear enough a signal that supporters do not see the justification in terms of rewards returned for the amount pledged. It's always unfortunate when this happens, but again it's an unmistakable symptom that prompts change.

The new format transition will be relatively difficult. As with all new comic projects on my Patreon, I pretty much start each on from scratch - this means practically zero content. Working my way back up to speed, with things to show, usually mean a harrowing period where I need to prove to supporters that their support isn't just going nowhere.

For awhile now, I've always been wanting to work on a macro-related furry project. Attached with this post, Patreons will get to revisit the outtakes from Meatier Showers: Bulge Indulge (Book 4 from FurPlanet)

Those of you who've been following me from the start might also understand that creating comics, merely on the account of the layers of work involved, is no easy feat. Long format projects are usually high risk (if you do not have a strong financial buffer) and sales are rarely guaranteed.

Expanding on the Muscle Growth project (pun intended), what I'll be opening up to the community are macrofur comic commissions. I understand that folks would like to get their own sequences, and personally I'd like to work on something with heavier storytelling elements in it.

Before I start opening up these commission slots, I do need to come up with some samples to give folks a better idea of what they can expect for the money they are paying.

Over the next 2-3 months, I'll be producing about 3 pages worth of a short macrofur comic. Each page represents a different page configuration I'm offering for the commission slots.

Once those 3 pages have been produced, I will open my slots using those samples as benchmarks. Whatever has been commissioned, will be featured on my Patreon page for supporters to see my process and all - since streaming has not been practical, given my current living conditions.

I hope all that kinda makes sense. If it doesn't, just stick around. I promise it will, once I get down to showing it on the 25 April.

Apr 2017


Meatier Showers 06X 062016.pdf


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