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As some of you may have noticed, I've frozen billing for the month of June. I've been wondering how best to articulate my thoughts and intentions for a couple of weeks now, so let's stick with the base facts.

The past few years have been difficult financially especially being without a job over the pandemic and lockdowns. I was mostly able to tide through thanks to my savings and government grants, however by the time the world reopened, I had already drained a fair amount of those savings to get by. During that period, thanks to Patreon and everyone who's supported my projects, I was able to continue afford groceries and day-to-day meals. In this chapter of my life, I was also able to produce another 2 fully completed Meatier Shower projects and the 10th Anniversary physical book that's lined up - yet to be fulfilled by my publisher (that's been overdue by 2 years now).

Fast forward to mid 2022, not only is the industry I specialize in lowly paid, but practically non-existent in this part of the world. I've had to pivot hard multiple times just to get by. Today, I've finally found a decent paying job (the highest I've gotten in all of my career, though hardly matching the amount of financial inflation) and started working towards building on savings and clearing up debts. Ever since my new job started in Feb 2023, a lot of things have changed, not just my weekly schedule but my entire mindset and lifestyle. I've actually not drawn much at all, and if I ever do, it's usually self-indulgent porn scribbles more for my therapy than anyone to see. I've stopped streaming entirely and certainly don't have the bandwidth anymore to take up commissions.

As of now, my main focus is to build up a substantial financial reserve for when my home is finally complete in Q1 2024. To that end, I can no longer commit myself to the next Meatier Showers project which was originally planned to span from 2023 - 2024, nor maintain an active Patreon account that warrants billing my supporters. With Patreon's archaic user-interface, I've struggled to locate any means of turning off the annual subscription plans, and freezing the account every month does not seem practical at all - seeing that I'll want to focus on my day job for the foreseeable 12-24 months at least (before going on hiatus). All that said, the most practical option that Patreon presents is to (once again) convert my creator account into a patron-only account.

If you've been following me since 2016, you'll probably realize that life has been tumultuous for me, and the nature of my Patreon very much reflects all these lifestyle shifts and changes in circumstances. While I am reluctant to make vague promises, it is in my own personal desire to fulfill the 2024 Meatier Showers project someday - perhaps when I have better clarity and focus of mind as well.

While Meatier Showers: Swole Mates has been completed, I have opted not to roll out the digital e-book on Gumroad for now - main reason being with my current limited bandwidth, it will be relatively challenging for me to compile and produce a product I can be proud of to sell; even though the cover art has been fully inked and base colors laid out, I've completely lost my momentum and direction. As and when I recuperate, I would like to produce a more substantial book for Swole Mates - not just the main comic pages, but more satisfying bonus content when the time comes - and as some folks requested, maybe even more pages for Snares to grow into.

Patreon supports should still have access to the completed comic pages and past updates here. If you follow my Twitter account (before I lock it by end July), you should be able to find some of the lower-resolution pages online still.

If all this comes rather sudden, I do apologize. It's been on the backburner for the longest time now, and it has been very difficult to talk about - especially since I have to drop what I love doing the most - which is furry muscle growth comics - and focus on adulting first.

To everyone who's ever supported me, and still are, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for making all these comics possible in very tough times. While the account goes into patron-mode, as long as you're still following and subscribed, you won't be billed for the following months - not until I convert back to creator mode - and when that happens, especially if you've paid for additional months, you'll certainly be the first to receive new updates as and when circumstances allow for me to do so.

With social media in its current state of disarray, and me intending to lock my Twitter account soon, it may be difficult to stay in touch. If you like to follow me in other aspects of life aside from art, you may find me here: SNARES THE LION

Stay swole and take care!

Dec 2021

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