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Hot damn. 2016 has been nothing short of intense and challenging on every possible front. The events of the world have been humbling; sometimes downright crazy or senseless even. But we've made it this far, and we must channel our energies towards the challenges that lie ahead.

Most of you who've been following will know that I left home last year to live my own life. Last I checked,  the situation back home has only deteoriated further, with the bank repossessing the father's car (as he could no longer afford the auto loan payments) and the housing authorities chasing him for mortgages. After years of living in constant threat of being kicked out of home, events unveiled themselves over the course of June, propelling me to take matters into my own hands and find my own path by the start of July.

It was through the generosity and kindness of my friends that I was able to find temporary housing and aid during the first two months on my own, and subsequently finding a shared studio space with friends and colleagues where I currently work and live in. It has no doubt been a harrowing experience, and while it may have taken some time, but I am finally able to accept my own reality and face it with equal courage.

Given the circumstances, it has been difficult to shake off my survival mode. My priorities have changed drastically, and I can longer afford room for luxuries or indulgent comforts. My decisions have been primarily grounded pragmatism. My ability to take on long-term, risky, extensive projects have been impeded by the uncertainties of my accomodations.

If you take a look at my Production Schedule , you'll realize that I'll be using my Patreon funds to save up for a new, high end laptop. By July 2017, the lease for the studio space will end, which marks the official start of my mobile lifestyle as a digital nomad. Given the challenges of housing, finances and visa lengths, I will most likely be constantly moving about every 3 months, and living off whatever and wherever I possibly can.

With that in mind, please allow me to share my plans for 2017:

  • New Projects

Meatier Showers: Buff Patrol is projected for release between February and March 2017. With its completion, my Patreon page will be shifting gears into a platform that showcases whatever current projects I may be actively working on - not just Meatier Showers, but any other creative pursuit. It may range from sketches, fan-projects, collaborations and even image packs. 

  • Faster Turn-Around-Times

Given the nomadic nature of my future path, projects will be designed in a modular fashion that allows for completion within a maximum of 3 months. The goal of this is to find stablity in an ever-changing environment. This also means that patrons aren't locked down either content (Meatier Showers ) or the time taken for the production to complete (previously 6-12 months per comic project). With this revision, I hope to make it easier for patrons to pop in and out of subscription if need be. Hopefully shorter projects means better turn-around production time, improved cash flow and more energy on this portal. 

  • Production Diaries

Once production for Meatier Showers: Buff Patrol concludes, I will cease monthly newsletters and introduce production diary posts instead. These snippets of information will appear as and when there are new developments for my Patreon projects, and come in more bite-sized updates.

Thank you to all my fans and readers for supporting me another year, here on Patreon. Happy 2017, and here's to a better year ahead.

Snares 2017



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