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My new puppeteering job starts this month! The first 2 weeks of October will primarily be paid training, after which I'll actually begin working. While I already know what my shift schedule looks like, it's still too soon to know how my lifestyle and production will be affected.

That said, ever since my return from Malaysia, I've been keeping my head down trying to cover more ground not only with the current Meatier Showers project, "Swole Mates", but also ideating future stories in the series. As of this post, Meatier Showers 2023 more or less has a story outline established, although the pacing and page distribution has yet to be finalized - and it's something I'll only work out when we initiate the drafting phase in 2023.

While trying to iron out the dialogues for Swole Mates page 14, I've also had some story breakthroughs in better defining Pridestar's powers and how they actually work. This epiphany has helped paved the way for the Meatier Showers 15th Anniversary project, and allows us to take a look into what might be an "origin story" of sorts for Pridestar. However, there's still a lot of finer details that need to be worked out, and so I'm not ready to reveal too much at this point.

For now, let's have a look at what you can expect to see this month!

EARLY ACCESS - Page 10 Colored & Lettered - (Mid Oct 2022)

Page 10 took a little longer than expected seeing that I had gotten carried away with some visual details and needed more time to color the page. I'll elaborate more when we get there so keep a lookout for the completed comic!

EARLY ACCESS - Page 11 Inked - (End Oct 2022)

Pridestar may have gotten more than he bargained for in this page preview as Snares continues to swell into a tower of swolitude! Stick around and hope you enjoy the updates! Stay safe and take care!

Oct 2022



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