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Hi everyone, 

My apologies for this month's delay with DLC News Update. While the Patreon exclusive content had been disseminated much earlier, I have personally been struggling to find the right tone of voice and angle to articulate my thoughts on this month's numerous developments on Meatier Showers.

Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances and feasibility issues, "Mass Masseur", a bonus side-story comic collaboration with artist, Modem Leonlynx, featuring Tanz and Groover, will no longer be in production. As with most things in the production world, not all projects get to see the light of day, regrettably "Mass Masseur" is one of them.

For those of you who've enjoyed this month's Google Drive access to Graveyard Greg's draft script of, "Mass Masseur", please do check out Graveyard Greg's other works on his Patreon page, featuring his latest web comic project, "With Friends Like These".

In lieu of the above developments, the newly revised reward tiers have been condensed to something more comprehensive:


  • Monthly comic pages
  • Monthly newsletter
  • Name in credits page


  • Monthly comic pages
  • Monthly newsletter
  • Name in credits page
  • Discord chatroom
  • Development notes
  • High resolution files
  • Archived comic pages


  • Monthly comic pages
  • Monthly newsletter
  • Name in credits page
  • Discord chatroom
  • Development notes
  • High resolution files
  • Archived comic pages
  • Meatier Showers: Buff Patrol E-Book

The former $10 and $25 tiers have been combined to become the new "Celebrity Access" tier. This will be the only tier that rewards the final completed e-book. 

Previously, comic pages were retroactively added to a monthly PDF file for all reward tiers. However, with the new changes, Basic Access supporters will only be able to view the "pages of the month". Only the new Backstage Access supporters will have archival access to older comic pages.

We are also rolling out Discord chatroom access as an added reward option. As this is still an experimental reward, we will be monitoring its reception with supporters.

In addition to the above changes, art tutorials are now an unlockable reward once a certain milestone is met. Every $100 milestone (starting from $700 total amount pledged) unlocks an art tutorial on how to draw furry muscle, with specific areas covered. This was added in response to recent polls on better quality of rewards. More information can be found in next month's newsletter.

While Modem is no longer a part of our production theme, I am happy to inform all supporters of the Meatier Showers Patreon project that Graveyard Greg and myself will continue collaborating together on various future projects together. Please follow us both for updates.

That is all for now, if you have any inquiries, please feel free to post them under this thread. Thank you, and stay tuned for this month's comic page updates on the 30.

SnaresSep 2016 



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