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Thank you everyone for your patience and support. For those of you who've been following since our last update for page drafts, you'll know that an additional page 10 was added to help with comic's pacing.

Since then, all the subsequent page numbers and flow of events had to be adjusted retroactively which took some time to work out.

In this editing process, I returned to page 12 (as pictured above) to remove the last panel as part of a creative choice. The removed panel will be converted to a low angle, full pinup page for better effect, than trying to squeeze things into a corner. The revised page has more room and clarity overall (as shown below):

Which will bring us to a new draft page here for continuity:

With that, please stick around for next month's update where I'll be sharing the "removed panel" mentioned above that's been converted into a full pinup page! Stay safe and take care!

Feb 2022



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