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It's that time of the month again for patrons pledging $3 and above to access behind-the-scenes goodies! This month, we have high resolution files of the rejected superhero premise that was originally slated for this year's Meatier Showers issue 7. For those eligible to the Meatier Shower's Google Drive, you should have received a URL in your Patreon message inbox.

A Hero For Another Day

Despite having thumbnailed all 32 pages and the story outline written, while working on the first 6 pages, I found it incredibly difficult to gain any momentum with comic itself. Panels felt stifled and characters weren't really coming to life. It was a tough month of low productivity during June, and I couldn't understand what the problem was.

Taking a short break from the pages, I started to realize a lot of the issues laid in the introduction of Sun Stripes - Pridestar's ex-boyfriend from his days in superhero college. Sun Stripes was designed as an internally homophobic character who struggled with his own sexual identity, and for that reason had become bitter and cynical despite his glowing reputation as a paragon of justice. He was anything but fun to write, and his dark hateful nature counteracted Pridestar's playful presence in the story. I'd like to think that, this would still be a story that I could work on outside the Meatier Showers universe with its own set of characters.  In light of the recent Pulse Orlando tragedy,  the conversation of safe spaces only served to reinforce my personal principles that Meatier Showers, while not an actual physical location, should still serve to the LGBT community and furry fandom as a "safe space" where readers can escape to and find solace in. Having Sun Stripes and the conversation of homophobia, while poignant in itself, did not serve the guiding morals of Meatier Showers and its reason of existence. It was a heavy month of mourning, and our battles back on home soil, here in Singapore, reinforced my personal goal of creating and maintaining these safe spaces for those in the furry fandom.

More Updates Soon

Hang around for our next Development Talk & Production Notes update as we discuss and explore the topic of "safe spaces" and how we as content creators, curators and consumers can appreciate them better. Come 31 July, you'll also have first-hand previews of the revised Meatier Showers 7 comic pages, so don't go away! And if you love what you see, do recommend a friend to support this ongoing production! Thank you.


July 2016



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