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Pre-production has historically been the most chaotic phase in making a comic, at least for me, on the account that whatever missteps required to move towards success, need to be made and iterated fast at this stage.

In a previous post, I shared what was supposed to be page 07 of Swole Mates. Now that same page, is page 09. Surprise!  I felt that there were pacing issues, as expressed earlier. Since pages 06 - 08 were meant to act as a midpoint and scene transition of sorts, it was necessary for me to do a proper establishing shot and "reset" the mood a little:

As much as I'm all for a close-up shot of an aggressively lactating milk dud, it wasn't exactly how I wanted to end the page with. This is where we are now today:

It doesn't feel like much has changed, but what I do like about the revision is that we start from an establishing shot, giving readers a clearer sense of where the characters have shifted to. We hear moans coming from the toilet entrance and cut to a close-up shot, linking up to the previous panel, telling the audience where the source of the moan comes from. Without saying much, we kinda already know where this might be going, and to reinforce that notion, we end on a 2-shot of both characters having a good time.

I'll be sharing page 08 early Nov, stick around, take care and stay safe!

Oct 2021



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