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Thank you for supporting this ongoing project through the month of May! The hard copy version of Meatier Showers 6: Bulge Indulge is now available through FURPLANET! For Anthrocon 2016 attendees, you can pick up your preorders directly from the FurPlanet table in the Dealer's Den! If you can't attend AC2016, not to worry! Preorders online will also ship out right after the convention! If you haven't already gotten the full digital version, or been waiting for the physical book,  you can PREORDER NOW!

$3 BACKSTAGE ACCESS Rewards Revision

To sweeten the deal for "casual" supporters, I'll be opening up the high-res files & Google Drive access to BACKSTAGE patrons as well. Unfortunately, the podcast has proven to be not as practical as I would've hoped - I'm really not that vocal or talkative a person, and the timezone differences make it challenging to bring guests onto the show. Those pledging $10 and above will still have their existing rewards maintained, and will have the bonus Mass Masseur digital comic by Modem as the final digital rewards - exclusive to the top 2 tiers only.

Secret Identities, Capes, & Backstories, OH MY!

After much deliberation and story testing over the month of May, instead of sticking with the original "safe" option, I decided to take on the risk of a high stakes project and go with my instincts instead. Pridestar's superhero backstory arc has been something I've been developing in my mind on and off, over the past 2 years in a slow simmering brew. Looking at its current state, it's got enough content and ingredients in it to stand on its own. I've run the entire story through my mind's theater multiple times, and it's got all the hooks and challenges to keep me engaged for the marathon ahead, of fully realizing another issue. It's not going to be easy, and there's probably going to be a whole slew of new obstacles lying in wait, but we'll deal with those as we get there. Compared to Meatier Showers 6 where I was figuring things out along the way, Meatier Showers 7 has a lot of core elements and path fully laid out already - which is why I've even done up the cover art at this point - something I don't normally do for all my previous titles until the very end.

With his full color debut in Meatier Showers: One More Time (July 2013), I had always intended for him to take over as the new, up and coming protagonist of the series. As a severely flawed and socially inept character, Pridestar provided a lot of material to work with and space to develop. Somewhere around September 2014, possibly even earlier, I'd already started work on Pridestar's origin stories. He was at this point, pitched as a "retired superhero" who had actual superpowers. These powers weren't fully defined yet at this point of development, but it's always been hinted that there's something more than meets the eyes about this character. As I went on completing Meatier Showers: Harder, Buffer, Faster, Stronger (September 2014), I was edging closer to revealing this hidden secret behind Pridestar in the deleted scenes and director's cut version.

For those of you who supported this project since it's early origins, many of you may remember that Meatier Showers 6 was originally 2 separate stories, with Side B being the "kaiju" arc. This was the arc where the story actually touches on Pridestar's powers. While the dialogues were never fully revealed, there is a scene where Pridestar is at Snares' beach home and having a discussion.  BACKSTAGE, INSIDER & CELEBRITY patrons will have access to these pages in high resolution in a Google Drive folder on the 15th of this month. (How about giving that $3 tier a go? If you don't like what you see, you can always return to supporting a dollar a month instead!)

TLDR: New Story Synopsis!

"Once a promising student of the Heroic Association of Learned Powers, Pridestar was accused of using his abilities to turn other aspiring superheros gay. Permanently barred from practice, the asiatic lion sought other lines of work. During a routine night performance at a gay club, Pridestar encounters his old flame from the academy - now an outstanding superhero champion of justice - and learns that his ex has been stalking him for some time. Meanwhile, sperm banks have been robbed clean by the mysterious Orgasmutt, whose powers of kink have dominated its city's peacekeepers. The echoes of Pridestar's secret superhero past are creeping back to surface - will he answer them and put his ghosts to rest, or will he leave matters to fate?"

Support now for as low as $3 per month and receive:

Google Drive Access - to high resolution outtakes, rejected scenes from Meatier Showers 6 and Meatier Showers 7 cover art preview! - (15 June)

Meatier Showers 7 draft pages - (30 June)


June 2016 



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